Behaviour Economics – Environment Change


Climate Resilience in Action can provide a tool to NUDGE Residential consumers to use water more conservatively and prevent it's wastage. This NUDGE has been rolled out in "Greater Chennai Metropolitan Area" in collaboration with CEC (Centre of Excellence for Change), School managements, Residents and Water Sector officials. The program has involved 5 large schools, 200 Vanguards, 6,000 student Change Champions and more than 20,000 Households. Tapping into the power of communities the Nudge is designed incorporate two fundamental principles.

  • Pause & Think at Decision Points
  • Social Norms of being frugal & caring about others

  • The intervention places 'information & caution stickers', at points of use, in households creating Decision points. Similarly a three prong Nudge is followed

  • Post cards highlighting both the plight of have nots in the rural country side
  • Positive action of Peer Group in reducing water consumptions
  • Action points on how to save water with quantification are also provided

  • This will attract social norms to influence entrenched behaviours to trigger pressure of social norms to change behaviours.